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Some Moron Cooking

I thought it would be fun to post the pictures of chocolate goodness I had taken.  I’m a photographer, and there is something just sensual about that chocolaty goodness.  I didn’t even think to post the recipe, because I was working from a book and I wasn’t sure about how to do it.  And more important, the book was in the kitchen and I was in the basement and walking seemed likely to be less comfortable than sitting and just posting more pictures.

(But here’s the picture again, just cause:


The recipe for “Molten-center chocolate cupcakes” comes from Everyday Chocolate


  • 4 tbsp soft margarine
  • 2 oz / 55g / generous quarter cup superfine sugar
    • ss says: granulated + grinder = superfine
  • 1 large egg
  • 5/8 cup self-rising flour
    • internet says: 5/8 cup all-purpose flour + .9 tsp baking powder + 1/3 tsp salt = 5/8 self-rising
  • 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa
  • 2oz (1 square) semisweet chocolate

Directions (makes 8 cupcakes): (As told by me)

  • Carefully chop the square into eights.  Reserve any severed fingertips for later reattachment.
  • Dump everything else everything not solid chocolate (or fingertip) into a bowl and beat till smooth.
  • Put the paper cups into the muffin tray first, fill half way with dough, add a piece of chocolate, and top up.
  • Preheat the oven and then bake at 375 for 20 minutes.
  • Stand for 2-3 minutes, serve warm.  You can dust confectioner’s sugar if you can wait that long.
  • Stand over the body of your kill and savour the chocolaty life spilling into your mouth.  Optionally howl at the moon or chandelier, as appropriate.
    • Yes, I said savour.  With a U.  Eh?


The major discovery that I wish we’d been warned about is that this thing produces batter so thick it’s almost dough.  I thought we’d made a mistake when we added everything, and again when we saw how much my poor old egg-beater was whining about the work.  We added a bit of milk which was unnecessary.

Also, between the all-purpose flour substitution and the semi-sweet, it was a very dryly chocolate taste.  Good moist cupcake, but very not sweet.  Loved it.

Posted in cuisine.

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  1. Katherine says

    Yes, thank you, I would like one!

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