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Goofball to Enterprise


So faced with a need to rent a car, I thought I’d price a few options, and one of the places I checked out was Enterprise Rent-A-Car, who presented me with one of the better prices I saw in my traverse.  But then I started clicking around and caught a little bit of fine print that prompted a spit-take:


My immediate reaction was laughter. But I’m using the internet, which gives me the power to expose my brand of lunacy to an audience of millions tens a friend, maybe two.  Thus was I unleashed.

Because I took my inner smartass and let him loose on twitter:

Enterprise Car Rentals: "Unlimited mileage in province, up to maximum of 4000" Unlimited… with maximum? What are they, a telco?

And that was the end of my amusement, hurled into space like whatever the joke version of a satellite would be called.   But in internet-space, anyone with a search engine can hear you scream.  Which is why I got…..this in response from @enterprisecares:

@sunilsebastian We’re listening & would like to address this w/ you. Pls follow us & I’ll DM you my contact info (Elizabeth w/ Enterprise)

That’ll teach me to be clever.  Enterprise is listening. 

I think it’s a healthy thing to do for customer support.  And I appreciate the businesses that take the time to talk about it, even when it’s as unsatisfactory as the CIBC Aerogold contact was.  I respect that they pay attention, though obviously they have to do something good with that attention to be impressive.

But there’s nothing to address with me, not here.  What I have is a punchline, not a problem.  Still, I tried again, trying more immediate dates to see if it made a difference, and here’s a screencapture of the result.


So here you go Elizabeth @enterprisecares. I hope this helps you.  You definitely helped me, because I finally had an idea of something to blog about. 


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3 Responses

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  1. Pam says

    Hey, you wrote!
    Not what I told you to write, but yay!

    how do you get the “other related posts” thing? Not that its important…

    Can I have unlimited 4000km in SK too???

  2. Elizabeth says

    This is such a help! And I’m more that delighted to be inspiration enough for you to blog about, Sunil and enjoy a good read! 🙂

    So, the issue here seems to be the wording of the mileage explanation. What it’s saying is that when staying inside the province of Ontario you’ll have unlimited kilometers, but come into the 4,000 km maximum when traveling outside of Ontario.

    We’re currently looking into the wording of this to see if it’s wide-spread in the Ontario region. Thanks for bringing this to our attention – if you see anything else just let us know!

    Enjoy your weekend – Elizabeth with Enterprise Rent-A-Car

  3. dmcconnell says

    That was a terrific re-entry into your blog. And yes, listening should be priority #1 for any brand getting into the social media game. It looks like Enterprise has got it right. So did you, by the way.

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