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So Silver, Toasted

I got home from work Monday night tired and hungry, and with my mind filled with questions about just what snack I was going to have.  To my surprise, there was another package I’d forgotten about, and this one was full of goodness.  And not just because I suddenly knew what my snack was going to be.

(Okay, so I didn’t stage the picture very well, but I was really hungry.)   It’s a plate of Lisa Mantchev-y goodness.  Well, except for the bread, I made that.  The jam is a bottle of Lisa’s “Bruiseberry’” that I have been saving without knowing what I was saving it for.  And the book…

The book is number 3 in Lisa’s Theatre Illuminata series, the end of a long road for Beatrice Shakespeare Smith and her merry band of hungry rogues.  And I’m very excited to see it.  Partly because it’s delightful to hold it in my hands after the glimpses and fragments to date.  And mostly because the EVIL author rewrote the ending and never shared the last chapter, so I know the ending but I don’t know how it ends. 

(Plus, this time I don’t have to MURDER a copy!!)

I’m so excited!

P.S. It’s surprisingly stressful to arrange a book you’ve been looking forward to on a plate of jammy bread

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  1. Elizabeth Marie says

    Ooh! What a treat! I love that she rewrote the ending but didn’t share it with you ahead of time. Go Lisa, you stealthy minx!.

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